high fiber low carb foods

27 High Fiber Low Carb Foods

So far you couldn’t be more impressed with your results after starting a ketogenic diet. There’s one problem though; you may not be eating enough high fiber low carb foods.

If you’re feeling unsure whether eating such high levels of fat is optimal for long-term health. Continue reading to discover how the ketogenic diet can be done in a way that is very healthy. By adding these nutritious high fiber low carb foods into your keto diet plan for maximized health benefits.

high fiber low carb foods

High Fiber Low Carb  Vegetables

1. Build Better Bones with Mustard Greens

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 3.2g : 4.7g

This peppery-tasting green is a literal powerhouse of nutrition.

Their high-fiber content will help keep you regular. They’re also very high in antioxidants, which your body uses to fight free radical damage (that can lead to premature aging and a host of other diseases!).

But the main attraction for mustard greens is their high vitamin K content. A serving of this peppery-tasting greens will provide you with 524% of your daily recommended intake for this bone-building vitamin.

Are you confused about how to cook mustard greens?

Due to their stronger flavour profile, they’re the perfect addition to dishes that contain milder-tasting ingredients like celery, onions, turkey, and chicken. As a side dish, try sauteing your mustard greens with a bit of olive oil and garlic.

2. Prevent Heart Disease with Chicory

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 4g : 4.7g

Chicory has two popular uses for low-carb dieters: as a sweetener and as a tasty coffee alternative.

In addition to being excellent for digestion due to its high inulin content, which acts as a form of food for the good bacteria in your gut, chicory is also a potent preventative measure one can take against heart disease.

The inulin that serves as a dinner for your gut microbes also reduces the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels in your body. LDL cholesterol contributes to atherosclerosis and the buildup of plaque in your arteries.

3. Grow Luscious Locks with Endive

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 3.1g : 3.4g

Do you suffer from dry and damaged hair that no amount of conditioning shampoo can fix?

You’ll definitely want to increase your consumption of endives then since this humble vegetable is packed full of nutrients that grow strong, long, and shiny hair.

Vitamin A helps ensure oil balance on the scalp, which is needed for shiny and smooth hair. And endive’s high vitamin E content helps stimulate hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp.

4. Detox your Body with Collard Greens

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 4g : 5g

In addition to acting as a great low-carb alternative to the bread used in your favourite turkey wraps, collard greens also prove to be packed full of nutrition and are an effective detoxifier of your body.

Their detox properties are due to their high isothiocyanates (ITCs) content, which is said to detox the body at the cellular level.

These potent little compounds also activate detoxification enzymes that block free radical damage that harms your DNA. And in today’s pollution-filled and chemical-laden world, your body needs all of the detoxification help it can get!

5. Support your Thyroid with Spinach

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 2.2g : 3.6g

Maybe the only memories you have of spinach is of the wilted and soggy green mess being dumped from a can onto your dinner plate. But don’t let sad childhood memories prevent you from taking advantage of this nutritious and low-carb vegetable.

Among many other benefits, spinach will help support your thyroid due to its high iodine content, which is important if you want to have a properly working metabolism.

The addition of a ‘good’ fat like olive oil, coconut oil or avocado helps the body to digest the oxalates in spinach.

6. Protect your Skin with Broccoli

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 2.6g : 7g

Roasted with coconut oil and a bit of sea salt, broccoli can can be a tasty and highly nutritious food to add to your ketogenic diet.

In addition to being a high-fibre food that will keep you satiated to prevent you from overeating, broccoli can also protect your skin from UV ray damage.

Broccoli is high in glucoraphanin, a phytonutrient that will protect your skin from signs of premature aging including wrinkles and age spots!

Looking for a yummy keto friendly broccoli recipe?

Try our Broccoli and Coconut Soup…

7. Fix your Leaky Gut with Brussel Sprouts

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 3.8g : 9g

Do you suffer from any number of symptoms caused by a leaky gut including gas, bloating, brain fog, and indigestion?

The best solution is to add brussel sprouts to your grocery list to gain the benefits this high-fiber vegetable can impart.

The sulforaphane content helps prevent bacterial overgrowth in your gut, and the glucosinolates found in brussel sprouts work to protect and maintain the integrity of the lining in your digestive tract and stomach.

8. Control Blood Sugar Levels with Artichokes

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 3.8g : 9g

Traditionally used as a liver tonic and hangover cure, artichokes can also help you manage your diabetes by helping you keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Artichokes’ high fiber content ensures that the sugar from the food you eat is absorbed into the blood more slowly. Meaning you won’t experience the spikes and dips that are often an inevitable byproduct of eating the standard western diet.

9. Prevent UTI’s with Asparagus

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 2.1g : 3.9g

Most of us are familiar with the pungent odour of our urine after dining on asparagus, but did you know that these green stalks have a beneficial impact on your urinary tract?

Asparagus is a natural diuretic.

Since UTIs can be caused by not urinating enough, loading up on asparagus can help prevent these annoying infections by moving bad bacteria out of the urinary tract.

10. Protect your Eyes with Bok Choy

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 1g : 2.2g

Although carrots have been touted as the ultimate vegetable for maintaining your eyesight because of its high levels of beta-carotene. You may want to consider bok choy as a suitable alternative for this vision-supporting nutrient. You’ll get a good dose of beta-carotene without the high carb count.

In fact, one cup of bok choy will give you the RDA of beta-carotene, which will protect your eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts. Beta-carotene can also improve vision in conditions of low light and help treat dry eyes.

11. Prevent Cancer with Cauliflower

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 2g : 5g

Who would have guessed that such an innocuous looking vegetable could be such a powerful force in preventing the occurrence of cancer?

Cauliflower has been shown to be effective in preventing a variety of cancers including cancers of the breast, colon, liver, lungs, and stomach.

Cauliflower, like other cruciferous vegetables, contains a compound called glucosinolate, which is used by the body to help repair DNA and slow the growth of mutated cells.

You can tell if a vegetable contains this cancer-fighting compound if it gives off a sulphur smell. The trademark scent of cruciferous vegetables when they are cooked.

Try our amazing Keto Thai Chicken Curry, served with cauliflower rice.

12. Prevent Asthma with Zucchini

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 1g : 3.1g

Making a keto-friendly lasagna with zucchini instead of inflammation-inducing grain-based noodles is not only tasty, it can help you prevent asthma and other lung-related diseases.

Zucchini is an excellent source of vitamin C, which acts as a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system.

A strong immune system is needed to fight bacterial infections in the respiratory system. At the same time, zucchini’s anti-inflammatory properties help keep the lungs open.

If you are looking for a simple way to include more zucchini in your keto diet, one of my favourite ways is using “Zoodles” aka Zucchini Noodles.

Try our Easy Pho Recipe with Zucchini Noodles, I know you will love it!

13. Beat Muscle Cramps with Swiss Chard

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 1.6g : 3.7g

An unfortunate symptom that can sometimes accompany a transition to the ketogenic lifestyle are painful muscle cramps. If you’re sick of waking up in the middle of the night with intolerable cramps, then consider upping your intake of swiss chard.

This leafy green is high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which reduces muscle cramps and pain that is the result of a magnesium deficiency. Get 38% of your daily magnesium needs for every cup of cooked swiss chard.

14. Treat Osteoarthritis with Radishes

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 1.6g : 3.4g

If you’re sick and tired of your knees creaking and your hips aching from a lifetime of wear and tear, then add a few more radishes to your diet.

Radishes are high in vitamin C, which is needed to make collagen.Collagen makes up the cartilage that acts a buffer between joints in the body.

At the same time, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that helps prevent further damage to cartilage, which can prevent your osteoarthritis from getting worse.

15. Prevent Signs of Aging with Romaine Lettuce (Cos)

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 2.1g : 3.3g

Whether playing a supporting role in your caesar salad or as the base for your keto-friendly tacos, romaine lettuce (or Cos as us Aussies call it) is a great addition to your fat-fueled lifestyle, especially if you want to prevent signs of premature aging.

Romaine lettuce is high in both vitamin C and vitamin A, which work together to prevent skin damage. At the same time, vitamin C is needed to make collagen, which is needed to build the firm and elastic skin associated with a youthful complexion.

High Fiber Low Carb Nuts & Seeds

16. Give your Brain a Boost with Flax Seeds

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 27g : 29g

Did you know that your brain is 60% fat?

If you want to keep your brain in tip-top condition, you need to make sure you’re eating enough high-quality fats. And not just any fats will do.

Trans fats and other forms of damaged fats found in many processed foods are not beneficial for your brain.

Flaxseeds are high in the good omega-3 fats your brain needs.Specifically, ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is a type of fat that has been linked to brain health, and deficiencies can negatively alter the structure and function of your brain.

17. Build Muscle with Chia Seeds

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 34g : 42g

Just because you’re on a ketogenic diet doesn’t mean you have to eat huge amounts of meat to get your protein in. In fact, chia seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of protein around.

If you’re looking to put on lean muscle and burn fat, chia seeds can help you reach your goal.

They’re also great to eat during or after exercise since they’re high in nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, and niacin that tend to be lost during periods of physical activity.

You can read more about the benefits of chia seeds here.

18. Reduce Blood Pressure with Sesame Seeds

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 12g : 23g

Do you tend to run a little hot around the collar, and would others say you’re a bit Type A?

People like you tend to have high blood pressure, and sometimes doing yoga and meditation won’t be enough to get your blood pressure under control.

But adding fiber-rich sesame seeds to your ketogenic diet can help reduce your systolic blood pressure.

While both white and black sesame seeds are beneficial, black sesame seeds far surpass their paler counterparts in terms of their ability to lower blood pressure.

19. Support your Immune System with Pumpkin Seeds

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 18g : 54g

Sprinkled on salads or grabbed by the handful when you’re on the run, pumpkin seeds can be a great addition to the keto diet.

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, which is a mineral your body uses for numerous functions including sleep, mood, insulin regulation, and immunity.

Being deficient in zinc can leave you prone to experiencing a higher number of colds and flus every year. Only a ¼ cup of pumpkin seeds will provide you with 23% of your daily zinc needs!

20. Reduce Inflammation with Pecans

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 10g : 14g

Inflammation is the root cause of many diseases including heart disease, asthma, Crohn’s Disease, and arthritis.

Many people starting a ketogenic diet notice a decrease in the chronic inflammation in their bodies after cutting out inflammatory foods like grains and sugar. If you want to douse the fires that flame your body’s inflammation, you may also want to start adding pecans to your diet.

Pecans are high in manganese, which is a mineral needed to activate the antioxidant SOD (superoxide dismutase) that your body uses to reduce inflammation.

In addition, the copper and magnesium in pecans have anti-inflammatory benefits of their own that is good for alleviating the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.

21. Boost your Metabolism with Hazelnuts

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 10g : 17g

Sometimes those of us who have dieted on and off for decades have a metabolism that seems to be barely crawling along instead of racing at the pace we would hope for.

In addition to tasting delicious, hazelnuts can help move your metabolism into high gear due to their high thiamine and manganese content.

Thiamine helps in the production of red blood cells, which are needed to maintain energy, and manganese assists in converting carbohydrates into energy so that your body can use it for fuel.

22. Heal Faster with Almonds

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 12g : 22g

In order to heal any type of wound, it’s important that your body is well-nourished and supplied with the proper building blocks needed to make new tissue.

Almonds are a fiber-rich nut that are a great source of vitamin E and other antioxidants that nourish the skin and prevent your cell membranes from damage.

Also, almonds are a good source of healthy fats  that work to improve circulation and keep skin hydrated, which is needed for wound healing.

23. Burn More Fat with Coconut

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 9g : 15g

Long gone are the days where fat was demonized for making you fat. The old adage, “the fat you eat is the fat you wear” has been proven to be a false tale.

In fact, adding coconut to your keto diet can help you burn fat at an increased rate. Coconut contains medium-chain triglycerides, which can increase the number of calories you burn compared to other types of fat.

If you are looking for a creative way to include more coconut in your diet. You may want to try our low carb friendly Coconut Flour Naan Bread recipe.

High Fiber Low Carb Fruit

24. Get Beautiful Skin with Avocados

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 7g : 9g

Maybe you’ve tried making an avocado face mask before in an effort to obtain beautiful skin. But in addition to wearing this fatty fruit, you should also be eating it to get the full host of the beautifying benefits it can provide.

Avocados are high in polyunsaturated fats that protect your skin from sun damage and inflammation. And avocados’ monounsaturated fats keep the top layer of your skin moist and supple to prevent the development of premature wrinkles.

Check out our Keto Guacamole Recipe. We include this as part of our meals at least once a week, and as a bonus the kids love it!

high fiber low carb foods

25. Have Pain-Free Menstrual Cycles with Blackberries

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 5g : 10g

If you suffer from painful PMS symptoms then you’ll want to stock up on blackberries rather than Ben & Jerry’s before your pre-period cravings hit.

Blackberries are high in vitamin K, which helps regulate hormone levels, thereby reducing cramping pain. Vitamin K also helps with blood clotting, so eating blackberries can be especially beneficial if you suffer from heavy menstrual cycles.

26. Improve Fertility with Raspberries

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 7g : 12g

With our high-stress lifestyles and nutrient-poor diets, it’s no wonder that infertility is increasing among couples these days.

And in addition to eating a healthy diet full of beneficial hormone-producing fats, raspberries can also improve your chances of conceiving due to their high vitamin C and magnesium content.

These two nutrients are hypothesized to protect sperm health, promote conception, and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

27. Improve Circulation with Mulberries

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Fiber to Carb Ratio/100g: 1.7g : 10g

You need iron to build red blood cells, and red blood cells are needed for good circulation. Your body uses its red blood cells to distribute oxygen to tissues and other organs.

Although you may believe that you need to eat a large steak to get enough iron everyday, mulberries are unique in that they contain a substantial amount of iron, which is unusual for a fruit.

Did you enjoy reading about the 27 high-fiber and low-carb foods that would be a great addition to your ketogenic diet?

high fiber low carb foods

The Bottom Line

Remember, just because you’re avoiding excessive carbohydrates on your fat-fueled lifestyle, doesn’t mean you should not strive to eat an abundance of nutritious foods that will result in long term health.

By adding in these high fiber low carb foods into any diet you will be stacking the odds in your favour.

You will receive the benefits of a ketosis, all while keeping your gut microbiome and body happy in the process.

Did you enjoy reading about the 27 high-fiber and low-carb foods that would be a great addition to your ketogenic diet?

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