Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread

Cassava & Flaxseed Bread (gluten & grain free)

Bread and butter, just the thought of it sends us into pure excitement. Sadly though bread just isn’t made the way it was made in early centuries. Today bread is mass produced, loaded with preservatives and chemically bleached wheat flours.

This cassava flour, coconut and flaxseed bread, contains the purest of ingredients. It is high in fiber, protein and loaded with goodness to fill you up.

It’s great fresh or toasted, layered with grass fed butter and our delicious chia jam.

Give it a try and feel the benefits of enjoying a wholesome grain and gluten free bread.

Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread

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Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread

Cassava Flour, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes + 1 hour (dough rising)
  • Cook Time: 30 - 45 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 Hour
  • Yield: 1 Bead Loaf 1x
  • Category: Baking
  • Cuisine: Bread


Crusty wholesome bread filled with the goodness of Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Four.



1 cup cassava flour
½ cup flaxseed powder
½ cup coconut flour
1 cup of mixed seeds (pumpkin, sesame,sunflower, chia)
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon honey
90ml olive oil (or melted coconut oil) + 1 tablespoon
2 large free range eggs
350ml lukewarm filtered water


  1. Grease a loaf tin with a a tablespoon of olive oil.
  2. In a bowl add all the dry ingredients together and mix until well combined.
  3. Then add all the remaining ingredients and using a wooden spoon mix thoroughly until a stick dough is formed.
  4. Scrape the dough into the tin and set aside so it has time to rise. Ideally 1 – 2 hours in a warm spot. (it won’t rise as high as a typical bread dough)
  5. Once the dough is almost ready, preheat the oven to 180C
  6. When you’re happy with the bread dough, put it in the oven and bake for 30 – 45 minutes – until cooked through. Time may vary with different ovens.
  7. Once it’s ready remove from the oven and let it cool down slightly before transfering your loaf to a cooling rack.
  8. At this stage feel free to slice your warm bread and enjoy with some grass fed butter.

Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread

Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread

Cassava, Coconut and Flaxseed Bread


This bread also freezes really well, pre-slice it ad freeze it in a sealed freezer friendly container. When you ready for a slice take one out, pop it in the toaster and enjoy.

Keywords: Gluten Free, Grain Free, Bread

Nutritional Facts based on approximately 10 slices of bread.

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